Photos from Wildlife Tourism Australia conference 2018

Delegates at the first day of our conference, at Aspect Tamar Valley Resort


    Alicia Perry (second from right) of Business Events Tasmania, with some of the Wildlife Tourism Australia committee (Bill Spence,Ronda Green, Simin Maleknia and Maree Treadwell-Kerr)

A few of our presenters:


Ian Morris

Elleke Leurs

Joy Tripovitch (standing) and Claire Forde (rehydrating)

Maree Treadwell-Kerr and Sera Steves


Ashley Kelly


Other photos:

Near entry to Aspect Tamar Valley Resort

Trying to photograph a bandicoot at Tamar Wetlands

Wild wombat, Cradle Mountain – we saw quite a few of these charming marsupials

Cradle Mountain Hotel

Dinner at Cradle Mountain Hotel

Delegates watching devils at Devils@Cradle

Wade Anthony, owner/manager of Devils@Cradle, presenting to delegates

Young devils climbing on Wade

Wade’s daughter with young wombat

Spotted-tailed quoll enclosure, Devils@Cradle

Tasmanian devil at. Devils@Cradle

Enclosure for animals being prepared for rehabilitation in the wild


Dove Lake, which a few of us visited after the conference

Junko Oshima at Glacier Rock, Dove Lake

Darren and Junko, Dove Lake

Snow above Dove Lake


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