Wildlife Tourism Research Literature

Research Library A bibliography of wildlife tourism related references from Australia and internationally. This library is available as a searchable Zotero Group Library, sort by date, keyword or author. If you can’t load the embedded library, there is a text...

Coal seam gas, coal mines and Australian wildlife

Coal mines Threatened ecosystems and habitats of threatened animals being cleared or ear-marked for clearing for open cut coal mining in various areas of Australia. There are also concerns that the extra burning of fossil fuels will add substantially to climate...

Research Equipment

Equipment for research Various products: Melomy’s Wildlife Habitat & Fauna Equipment Click below for: Fluker posts – for standardised photography at monitoring sites Binoculars Cameras – motion-sensing Cameras – other Spotlighting,...

Past Events and Workshops

Past Events relevant to Wildlife Tourism Events run by WTA or with WTA involvement: Workshop July 2024  Wildlife Tourism in Australia and Indonesia and its relationship to Geotourism Sydney 20 July 2024 (Associated with Geofest 18-19 July) Developing virtual...