Wildlife Tourism Futures (new book)

A new book, including chapters by several WTA members (Leah Burns, Rie Usui, Ronda Green), is to be released in December 2020 https://www.channelviewpublications.com/page/detail/?k=9781845418199 Wildlife Tourism Futures: Encounters with Wild, Captive and Artificial...

Mass deaths of endangered African vultures

THE MASSIVE DEATH OF HOODED VULTURE IN UPPER RIVER REGION IN SABI by Fagimba Camara, Research officer West African Bird Study Association (WABSA) October 2020 [Fagimba is one of Wildlife Tourism Australia’s newest members, and a dedicated conservationist....

Wildlife Tourism Australia 2020 AGM

plus lunch, interpretive walk, book launch, presentations and discussions Wednesday 21st October2020 The Barn, Binna Burra (and via Zoom) This event took place 21/11/2020 Some of us met for lunch at the Lamington Teahouse near the Binna...

Saving Sun Bears

Sarah Pye first visited Borneo in 2012, ostensibly to see orangutans in the wild. When she met Dr Wong Siew Te, Founder of the Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre, and saw the world’s ‘forgotten bear’ hanging 40m in the air, she asked what she could do to help sun...

Blue Sky Wildlife: marketing for wildlife tours

by Chris Larsen, Director Blue Sky Wildlife [Note: Chris was a presenter in WTA’s recent webinars (June 2020)] Blue Sky Wildlife is an online marketplace specialising in wildlife tourism. Its aim is to connect the independent eco tourist with reliable local...