Borneo Eco Tours – a special wildlife experience

Ronda Green (chair WTA)   Okay, so this is not an Australian wildlife tourism experience, but Australia is so close to Southeast Asia, we both have marvellous diversity of wildlife, and our wildlife is so very different.  There is plenty of scope for more...

Get involved with Australasian Bat Night 

  Wildlife Tourism operators are invited to add a batty element to their tours this year to celebrate Australasian Bat Night. Australasian Bat Night is a community engagement program designed to raise awareness about bats in Australasia, comprising an annual...

The Great Australian Bat Tourism Trail 

  Author: Sera Steves1 and Maree Treadwell-Kerr2 1 Project Manager, The Great Australian Bat Trail.;  2 Project Coordinator, The Great Australian Bat Trail.  PO Box 528 Kuranda Qld 4881...