1770 Running Creek Road, Rathdowney, QLD, Australia
07 5544 128307 5544 1283
0447 077 7250447 077 725
Small-group tours from Brisbane with wildlife experts: 3-day wildlife overview tour with an overv...

Wildlife-viewing in wild, bird-watching, marine mammal watching, snorkelling/diving, hiking, horse/camel-riding, boat trips, walking/viewing for disabled, view/interact with captive wildlife.


Marsupials (general), kangaroos and wallabies, koala, wombat, platypus, echidna, bats, whales and dolphins, dugongs, seals and sea lions, birds, waterbirds, forest birds, lyrebird, bowerbirds, parrots and cockatoos, kookaburra, emu, cassowary, marine and shore birds, penguins, rare and endemic birds, reptiles, crocodiles, turtles, frogs, whale-sharks, reef fish, coral, glow worms and so much more

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