Kimberley Birdwatching, WA

ad_kimbirdlogo“Our tours range from 3 hours to 21 days throughout the Kimberley region. Most trips involve camping in the bush, we also offer accommodation trips and cruises. Shorter tours discover the Broome environs – all trips cover avifauna and plants.

The diverse habitats of the Kimberley make birdwatching challenging and exceptional with species like Gouldian Finch, Purple-crowned Fairy-wren, Red Goshawk, Rainbow Pitta and the Kimberley endemic Black Grasswren. Land based tours are 4WD safaris, we also arrange boat charters along the Kimberley coastline and islands and air charters for those who are short on time. The choices are endless!”

Kimberley Birdwatching

PO Box 220
Ph: (08) 9192 1246 Fax: (08) 9192 1246
Website: Kimberley Birdwatching
Business Type: Tour Operator (Ornithological Tours)Wildlife commonly seen: Gouldian Finch, Purple-crowned Wren, Black Grasswren, Asiatic Dowitcher, Broadbilled Sandpiper 

Rare spottings: Red Goshawk, Northern Shrike Tit, Chestnut-backed Button Quail, Yellow Chat, Rainbow Pitta

Most exciting: Irrawaddy Dolphin, Humpback Whale, (King Brown) Mulga Snake, Rough-scaled Python, Saltwater Crocodile