Webinar Presentations 2020

160 delegates from 33 countries registered for these events, although the actual numbers attending were a little smaller we had some great presentations and useful – at times provocative – discussions Ronda and Aise A report on Day 1 is now available (see...

Christmas Island – Australia’s Gem In The Indian Ocean

https://youtu.be/sMSfxvwEhp4 Hello Christmas Island! Welcome to Christmas Island. Looking down at a working commercial jetty, I am awestruck by the vista. It is surrounded by aqua blue ocean with shallow coral reefs reaching the shoreline. And the sky is a matching...

Key-note speakers

Key-note speakers at the National Wildlife Tourism Workshop 16-18th May 2012 We have the following excellent keynote speakers presenting at the workshop  – Professor Clem Tisdel – Australia’s foremost expert on the economics of wildlife tourism...

Get involved with Australasian Bat Night 

  Wildlife Tourism operators are invited to add a batty element to their tours this year to celebrate Australasian Bat Night. Australasian Bat Night is a community engagement program designed to raise awareness about bats in Australasia, comprising an annual...